What is myofascial cupping?

Myofascial cupping leopold | Myofascial cupping Ocean Grove

Myofascial cupping is a therapy in which a heated jar is attached to the skin’s surface to create a suction effect. Traditionally, there are a variety of types of jars that can be used in cupping: bamboo, clay and glass. The glass cup is by far the most common used by our Bellarine Peninsula practitioners today. The mouth of the cup is relatively smooth and small, but the body is large. The cup is transparent to allow our Ocean Grove or Leopold cupping practitioner to observe and control the suction of the skin and the time it is left in place.


Types Of Cupping


Mobile cupping involves massage oil being applied to the area prior to applying the cup. The cup can then be moved along the skin easily to treat the affected area. The effect is much like a reverse massage, meaning the skin and muscles aren’t compressed but rather pulled into the cup causing increased blood flow which in turns helps to nourish and deliver oxygen to the tissues and encouraging the healing process with the therapeutic aim of removing congestion and pain. Initially, it may feel a little strange but it may subsequently induce relaxation and a sense of calmness making it ideal for those that are stressed. This method of cupping usually doesn’t leave any visible marks on the skin.

Fixed cupping is used when a tight spot is encountered. The cups are applied directly to the site of pain or dysfunction and left there for 3-5mins. Fixed cupping may leave marks that look like perfectly round bruises but they are normal and should disappear within a couple of days.


Why book a cupping appointment with our Ocean Grove or Leopold practitioners?

There are many areas and conditions that cupping can be used for, however, at Ocean Grove & Leopold Osteopathy and Sports Health, it is preferred as a treatment for musculoskeletal pain and discomfort. Commonly, cupping is used initially in pain treatment and is followed by the use of other treatment modalities such as dry needling, joint articulations and manipulations.


Is cupping safe?Myofascial cupping leopold | Myofascial cupping Ocean Grove

Cupping is generally very safe to use and has no known side effects, yet be mindful of the potential for red/purple markings to appear after treatment and the usual 1-2 days of potential post-treatment soreness (like most other forms of treatment). The practitioners at Ocean Grove & Leopold Osteopathy and Sports Health are trained myofascial cupping therapists therefore they will ensure you are safe, comfortable and understand the process of cupping.


Call 5225 5040 (Ocean Grove clinic) or 4202 0446 (Leopold clinic) or book your myofascial cupping appointment with Ocean Grove & Leopold Osteopathy and Sports Health online.

Ocean Grove & Leopold Osteopathy and Sports Health services include: Osteopathy | Remedial Massage | Relaxation Massage | Myofascial Cupping | Dry Needling | Naturopathy


Phone: 5255 5040