
Managing your weary knees: what you KNEEd to focus on

Arthritis comes in many variants, the most common being Osteoarthritis (OA), otherwise known as 'wear and tear' or 'degenerative joint disease'. It is caused by a breakdown and loss of cartilage tissue within the knee. This cartilage tissue is what allows the knee to move smoothly.

By |2024-05-31T16:59:52+10:00January 21st, 2020|Blog, Exercise, Osteopathy|

Do’s and Don’ts of Stretching

Without daily physical activity, our muscles become weak and tight, which can lead to back pain, neck pain and a range of other issues. Our practitioners commonly recommend stretches or strenghthening exercises to complement osteopathic and remedial massage treatment. Stretching has numerous benefits, including aiding in improved mobility and flexibility, managing pain and [...]

By |2024-05-31T16:59:53+10:00July 26th, 2019|Blog, Exercise, Osteopathy, Remedial Massage|

Strength and Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning – by Dr Catherine Coventry (Osteopath) Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Level 1 Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) course, which has been designed to provide a pathway to becoming an accredited ASCA Strength and Conditioning coach. You might be wondering ‘So what exactly is strength and conditioning [...]

By |2024-05-31T16:59:53+10:00July 12th, 2019|Blog, Exercise, Osteopathy|

Liven up your Mid-Week Runs with Intervals!

I wrote in a previous blog about my decision to run the Great Ocean Road Half Marathon, and I am pretty excited to report that I finished it just under my goal time and suffered no injuries during the process. My training was kept pretty simple, I mostly ran 2-3 mid-week runs of around 5-7km’s and then 1 progressively longer “long” run on the weekend which ended up as 17km run a few weeks before the race. 

By |2024-05-31T16:59:53+10:00June 29th, 2019|Blog, Exercise, Osteopathy|

Returning to Exercise After Kids

Whether you’ve recently had a baby or you’re expecting your first grandbaby, returning to exercise after having children can be extremely daunting and confusing! When is it safe to start exercising again? What exercises are safe? How much is too much? In this blog Osteopath Dr Catherine Coventry answers these questions and more to help you take the guesswork out of returning to (or starting) your after-baby exercise routine!

By |2024-05-31T16:59:53+10:00May 29th, 2019|Blog, Exercise, Osteopathy, Pregnancy|

Searching for Motivation

I have mostly lead a very active life, playing multiple sports during my teens and then playing senior football for 17 years. During this time I would train 2 or 3 times a week and play a game on the weekends. The beauty of playing team sport for such a long period is that there is never a need to find “motivation” to exercise, as I always had other people relying on me to perform and I would never want to let my team down.

By |2024-05-31T16:59:54+10:00March 15th, 2019|Blog, Exercise, Osteopathy, Sports Health|