Here we are again, that time of the year that we crave! Summer! Now if you’re a red head, or extremely pale, this is the time of the year that you save for. SPF 50 isn’t cheap when you’re using half a bottle per day. For the sun lovers, it’s time to get your tan on and soak up as much vitamin D as possible.

If you’re anything like me and my husband (an English red head stud) We have countless bottles of sunscreen, long sleeved tops, hats, zinc and after sun cream lying around the house, in the car, back packs and handbags. You never know when you may need a top up.

However we were recently foolish, the old “It’s so overcast today; the sun can’t even get out”. UH Fools! Well my poor husband now has a bright red face that burns when I turn a light on. Knowing just how pale and fragile our skin is (I’m practically see through) i feel we miss judged the harshness of our sun. We became complacent.

The majority of skin cancers are caused by exposure to the sun. Approximately, two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70. Every year in Australia, skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers.

Our skin is amazing and very often taken for granted. The skins functions go beyond serving as a large, opaque bag for the body’s contents. It’s pliable but tough, allowing it to take constant punishment from external agents. Without our skin, we would fall prey to bacteria and perish from water and heat loss.

So how can we better protect our skin?

The Skin Cancer Council recommends that when the UV level is 3 or above, you use a combination of sun protection measures.

  • SLIP on some sun-protective clothing- that covers as much skin as possible.
  • SLOP on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen; Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.
  • SLAP on a hat- that protects your face, head, neck and ears.
  • SEEK shade
  • SLIDE on some sunglasses- make sure they meet Australian standards.

Be extra cautious in the middle of the day when the UV levels are most intense. Tans can now come in a bottle and daily moisturisers; don’t fry your skin to achieve it. I am convinced that pale will eventually come into fashion.

Click here to book an appointment online or contact our friendly team on 5255 5040 (OG) or 4202 0446 (L) to discuss how Nikki can help you achieve your health goals!